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「一人一圖」campaign第二日,香港旅遊業賓館聯合總會的會友繼續為姚思榮議員打氣,多謝姚議員幫助整個旅遊業界的所有持份者,一視同仁,俠義心腸,我們賓館業界感謝你的努力、付出和支持,希望為你打氣,加油,永不放棄,黑暗的盡頭一定迎來署光😄 香港需要你!旅遊業需要你!賓館業更加需要你😍

“One Man One Picture” campaign has continued on the second day. Large number of members of HKTGUA are so passionate to thank legislative council member Yiusiwing for his long term support for guesthouse industry. Hong Kong needs you, Tourism needs you, we the GH INDUSTRY needs you the most! Thank you and good work, we appreciate you 🙇🏻

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